Local Distribution Companies

Leading-edge solutions for LDCs and utilities

We offer solutions custom-tailored for LDCs and utilities.

Jurisdictional Cost Accounting

Accurately capture and allocate gas costs across multiple jurisdictions based on percentage, physical flow, and/or predefined parameters. This feature eliminates the burden of manually allocating the supply cost to the point of receipt.

Asset Optimization

Harnessing underutilized assets is the frontier for utility companies, and GasTrak is poised to drive these optimization efforts. Through comprehensive transaction tracking, precise accounting, and detailed reporting, profits are auto-calculated and set for allocation to the relevant profit centers.


Offering a holistic approach to gas management, GasTrak guarantees impeccable transaction capture, stringent process controls, and comprehensive reporting. Every facet of the system is tailored to address and exceed the most demanding compliance and reporting criteria.


GasTrak expertly captures physical forwards and financial deals (futures, options, swaps, etc.). Paired with our sophisticated reporting tools, it offers real-time monitoring of MtM Positions, providing insights into unrealized gains or losses on a full or discounted basis.

Risk Management

Seamlessly consolidate all exposure transactions, channeling them into a robust risk analysis tool that offers real-time insights into exposure and liquidity stances. This instrument equips users with the crucial data to uphold the company's risk tolerance policies.

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